Saturday, October 12, 2013

Bangkok to Krabi

This morning I arrived in Krabi after a seemingly a long bus journey from Bangkok. Think Seattle to San Francisco in a car long but without the luxury of AC, music, and instead of having space between you and your obnoxious sibling in the backseat, your crammed in between two smelly travelers. I over exaggerated just a tad, I had a window seat in a row of five, but it did stink terribly. Regardless, for the trip down I have been rewarded with marvelous beaches and the 3rd ranked hostel in all of Asia. As well, I have finally overcome my severe jet lag, replaced with slight dehydration, but no complaints here.

Tomorrow I'm taking an all day snorkeling trip. We are going to hit three different spots around the Krabi province. All for the grand total of $12 US, and it includes lunch!

After tomorrow I don't now what I'll do. Koh Phi Phi is tempting, but the ferry ticket is expensive. I think I'll head over to Railey Beach for a night to postpone any serious decision making.

Now that I am out of Bangkok, I have been enjoying myself quite a bit. Being near deep blue clear water as opposed to sewage canals can't hurt one bit.

I also was going to mention the parade I witnessed today. Well I actually dont know what it was. At first is thought gunshots, but a closer look showed two kids whirling a carrying device with Buddha on it around in circles while firecrackers lit from it for about 30 seconds, quite scary to be a part of I imagine.

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